Tuesday, May 01, 2001

Jack contacted me the other day. He said some things that totally shocked me. He said I was a wonderful woman and very submissive and things along those lines. This is a complete 180 from the viewpoint he held just a few short months ago when he said everything was entirely my fault and tossed in some pretty horrendous insults. The biggest shock though came when he asked for my help in editing a file he is writing supposedly to seek "help" from others out there. he said he was going to outline how he thinks he failed me and what he is doing to change those things now and ask for advice to find other ways of growing. I just didn't get it. He couldn't explain what happened to make him change his mind about the relationship or about me. I have to admit I am very wary of his "new" attitude. I've seen it with him so many times before when he said he would do things differently. None of those promises ever came true. He might change for a short period of time and try to be better, but it never lasted very long and when he crashed, he crashed hard. It usually preceded at least a few days long worth of arguments, attitude and cruelty. Then he'd go right back to being his usual uninvolved self. I never could get the hang of his mood swings, though his wife apparently did because she is still with him after 24 years. They have an extremely weird marriage. I do hope, for his sake and that of his wife and son, that he truly desires to change and clearly sees his own abusive behavior for what it's worth, nothing; before it is too late to salvage anythihng

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