Tuesday, November 07, 2000

Why a blog on abuse?

I have been having a great deal of trouble dealing with the memories I have of a bdsm relationship that turned quite abusive. The topic of abuse has come up on a few mailing lists that I am on, and I figured "hey no problem! I can deal with this easily" Turned out, I was wrong. I have been walking around for the past few days feeling very angry but at nothing in particular. Least I tried to lie to myself about why I am angry. I am angry because of the relationship and what occured within it. I am angry at myself for allowing such things to occur even though I knew it was abusive, but just couldn't face it for oh so many reasons. Rather than run from my feelings, and the discussions that are so very important about abuse, I decided to use my anger and hurt in a constructive manner. I remembered today that when I was dealing with the sexual abuse my daughter suffered at the hands of her father 7 years ago, I used that anger to try to bring about changes in the laws of the state I was living in at the time hopefully to aid other children of sexual abuse. And by doing something constructive with the anger, I did not deny the anger, nor ignore it. Instead, I worked with it and this helped me alot. So, I've decided to do the same here. But again, not just for myself, but for others as well. However, I have given myself one concession in this, and it is this blog. This blog is for me to use to vent my anger, and my hurt. To talk about the things that I remember and how they affect me now. To release them from my heart and mind. Knowing that this will help me, as written journals did before. I may also type in old journal entries from the journal I kept at that time. My hope is that this section will help others, either recognize their abusive situation (if they are in one) or to help others understand abuse better and how it affects the victims.

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